Monday, March 16, 2009

getting in touch with our inner beasts

Grant getting intimately acquainted with his friend Hippo

The Food Chain in action

Lately, we've discarded all and any mention of Star Wars and replaced it with an all-consuming love of God's creatures great and small.  My day will start out (literally,  I mean from second ONE) with one of my boys proclaiming, "Mom, which meat-eating desert animal do you want to be?"  Or,  "Mom, you can pick your fourth favorite species of shark to be today."  The other night Nate and I were out to dinner when the sitter called:  Jack was running a fever and was awake and unhappy.  We hurried home and were waking him for some medicine as he uttered, sleepily but articulately:  "RE-TI-CU-LA-TED PYTHON!"  What a dream we must have interrupted!

Good thing we live in a cool place where there's a fabulous aquarium and a huge, nearby zoo to feed the fetish.  


Amy F said...

Reticulated, huh? Brilliant.

Camilla Millar said...

Cute--and very smart!