Friday, August 6, 2010

five friday thoughts

1. Havertown needs a splash park.

2. There was only one day this week that I didn't eat ice cream, despite my best intentions.

3. Two skunks have now been spotted 3 times in our backyard.

4. I wrote a check for $28.17 at the library. However, I am now only wanted for library fraud in one state: New York. Maybe there's a statute of limitations...

5. Grant ate salad this week. I know, right?


Elise said...

So you're time is up in Utah, huh? Guess you can move back now. ha ha ha.

I tried to call you back. CALL ME! We need to chat : D

Janell said...

you crack me up, Jenny. Good to know I'm not the only one addicted to ice cream...and now dutch mints thanks to you!!