Well, it's a wrap. Summer, that is. What a great one we had! After being away for 14 months, it was high time to find ourselves in good company in SLC and vicinity for a few weeks. This visit has inspired me to compile the:
Top Ten Things About Visiting Utah
1. Cousins. Could a trip to Jackson Hole with twenty youngsters under the age of 11 be any more fun for our boys? What a great time! Thanks, G and G Richards!
2. The mountains. Whoa. I always forget. When I lived in NYC, it was always a shocker to come back and see how big they really are. Same thing now. I kept thinking about all my neighbors who've never been west of the Mississippi. What a tragedy.
3. Easily accessible swimming pools. Which goes right together with #1.
4. Food. I can't help myself, but joints like Cafe Rio and Hires just can't be beat, even though Nate and I like to pretend we're East Coast Fine Cuisine Snobs.
5. Park City, home of my parents for the time being, because they're selling their house and MOVING TO PHILLY! (More on this soon.) My boys loved being at the condo; the highlight was Grant nearly stepping on a snake near the bordering Wildlife Reserve. The look on his face was truly priceless. No pic, but imagine joy and horror combined and you've got it.
6. The cabin. Oh, it was joyful to be in the cold basement bedroom. We'd been away much. much too long.
7. Chillin' with family. Todd and Rose, John and Ang, Matt, and Andrew: we had a blast with you before we all headed out in opposite directions. Of course, all of you local to Utah were equally great! It was fun to jam with Micah the future B'way star, watch SYTYCD (I'm not a huge fan, though), and talk talk talk late into the nights. Nothing beats putting your kids down all in the same house! And Emilee, thanks for parting with many obligations to hang out with me!
8. No grocery bills, no AC bills, no water bills, no responsibilities, no commitments. Ah, the luxuries.
9. Michael Phelps. Oops, we could've enjoyed his prowess from anywhere, but it was central to our Utah visit. Anyone know what he listens to on his iPod right before he makes history? I'd love to download it, whatever it is.
10. Good friends who remind us of good times. Ben and Julie--get back to NY, and Jes--please come visit. We love you!
And now, to fall! I'm 29 weeks, look like I'm 43 weeks, but feeling good. We're taking deep breaths before we'll be busier than ever, starting next week. Two boys in school (freedom for me, two mornings a week?!!) , swimming, soccer, football, 20 piano students, Nate putting in 16-hour days, six days a week, and the inevitable nesting that's already kicking in before our daughter debuts in November....
Hope everyone enjoyed their summer! We'd love to hear from you!